여드름, 여드름흉터, 모공 치료

공통 2017-05-23

Before the procedure

after the procedure

여드름, 여드름흉터, 모공 치료 시술전후
여드름, 여드름흉터, 모공 치료 시술전후
여드름, 여드름흉터, 모공 치료 시술전후
여드름, 여드름흉터, 모공 치료 시술전후

여드름, 여드름흉터, 모공 치료



Precautions and side effects after the procedure
· Bruises, swelling, erythema, infections, pain, swelling, etc. may occur after the peti procedure.
· Pigmentation and burns may occur after skin treatment.
